Will Perfect Sit Up Boost Your Abs?-Review

Perfect Sit-Up Review
Here is our real life review of Perfect Sit-Up. This product is a revolutionary fitness tool the manufacturer claims can help you achieve the perfect sit-up every time. Sit-ups are a great exercise for the body's core muscles and having a tool to get the most out of your sit-ups can only be positive. We were pretty intrigued by this product and wanted to bring you our opinion of, Perfect SitUp. Nothing is better than a sit-up aid that holds your feet as if you had a trainer or spotter right there for you. This is what Perfect SitUp does and more. The design keeps your back aligned, while providing handles to help pull yourself forward. There is a neck support and the product has a "click" when you have reached your full "range-of-motion." The company that makes Perfect SitUp seems to understand how hard sit-ups are to do on your own. They also understand that people often avoid this exercise because it is so tedious. We saw a lot of claims from this company and wanted to know if the product truly does work to help perfect sit-ups. One thing we did notice is the amount of Perfect company products in gyms around the world. If fitness trainers and the places they work use this product and others, then there must be some valid claims that have backing in the exercise industry. Not to mention all of the consumers that buy the products and claim that they do work. Still, we needed to check deeper to see why they work so well.
Product Claims
The number one claim on the website is that the Perfect SitUp will help you work all of the core abdominal muscles together at the same time. Regular sit-ups only work the upper abdominal muscles and not the middle or bottom. The way this product is designed it helps pull your legs into the right position to work the lower abdominal muscles. Giving more resistance by keeping the legs steady and giving a better leg position, increases the effectiveness of the sit-ups that you do. You can also upgrade the resistance on the leg blades to make the push-up even more effective on the abs. The next claim is support of the neck and spine. During regular sit-ups, your neck and back go unsupported. Poor body alignment during a sit-up can actually cause strain and injury. This product supports the head, neck and spine and keeps them in perfect alignment to reduce strain and injury. The last claim by the company is that the product gives a "click" when you have reached full range-of-motion of the sit-up. This will help you keep from going up too far and causing injury to the back and also know that you are getting the full effect of the sit-up. We found no better products on the market that could do something like this. But still, we believe that when purchasing a product such as this, you will need to also follow a healthy diet and full exercise routine to really achieve the full effects of the product. It will take commitment to a healthy lifestyle for this product to really work at its best.
Cost and Money-Back Guarantee
Perfect SitUp averages somewhere around $60, depending on where you shop. You can pick one up at major stores or online. The leg resistance blades can be upgraded for about $16. We actually found the Perfect Sit-up through an online link from the Perfect company that retails the product for about $20. We weren't very clear on the price difference, so you will have to shop around. The company offers a one-year limited warranty on this product. When you buy from a major retailer, you will have to check their return policies. Just make sure this product is for you and do not wait to long to return it. Many people have given up on products like these only for them to end up in a closet. Also, be careful of being pushed into upgrading the leg blades. Find out if the product works without the upgrade and you might save yourself some money.
Perfect SitUp Final Review
We were really impressed with the Perfect SitUp and know that the Perfect company really does well with all of the fitness tools they release onto the market. We believe in a products success and we believe that success kind of speaks for itself. When it comes to a good abdominal workout tool, you need a product that you can believe in and this one hit the mark. Keep in mind that this product is designed for use on the floor. There are other abdominal workout products that get you off the floor. You will also have to commit to using this product daily or at least a few times weekly to see results. Results don't happen without you yourself doing the workout, not the product. This product is only a tool or aid to improve your sit-up routine. We think this is a good product and feel it is a good purchase if your ready to commit to an exercise routine. Beware of being coaxed into upgrades and see if the product is for you quickly, so you do not miss any return deadlines. But overall, we give the Perfect SitUp a two thumbs up!