Progressive Health Clorial-Review

Progressive Health Clorial for Bad Breath & Body Odor
  • Category:
  • Date:
  • May 20, 2018

Product Claims of Clorial

Clorial is a product billed as ‘bad breath pills’ by manufacturer Progressive Health and we review it today. Today’s segment is about bad breath and body odor, which science says is down to the same things: bad bacteria running rampant in the gut and thus being able to populate elsewhere in the body, poor immunity (which allows the bad bacteria a foothold), poor digestion and the lack of an agent to quickly fight off the worst of the odor. Science says the correct approach is to fight the odor then neutralize it permanently, and to keep bacteria internally balanced. It is therefore a multi-front approach.

It is estimated that 90 million Americans suffer from halitosis. Clorial is marketed as a synergistic blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and potent botanicals to stop halitosis-causing bacteria and support a healthy oral cavity. We will measure the formula against the clinically identified ingredients needed to amend bad breath and body odor.


  • CoQ10
  • Folic Acid
  • Vitamin C
  • Xylitol
  • Peppermint Oil
  • Thyme
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lactoferri

The first 3 ingredients produce gum health. Healthy gums will harbor less bad bacteria. Thyme and Eucalyptus have antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Xylitol and Peppermint Oil are included to prevent dental decay. Peppermint Oil is the one ingredient in this formula that is also a clinically recommended ingredient for its antifungal and antioxidant properties. Lactoferrin stops sulfur-producing bacteria; they are the worst offenders. However what you need as per clinical recommendations is Chlorophyllin-copper complex and also crucially L-acidophilus as a good bacteria to help repopulate not just your gut but the whole body. You also need magnolia to boost immunity by subduing the anxiety response, green tea as an antioxidant and fennel so the gut moves well and gets rid of waste which could harbor bad bacteria.

Dosage Instructions

One dose is two chewable tablets per day. Remember that the only clinically approved ingredient you are ingesting is peppermint oil, and that this formula does not represent a solution on all fronts.

Cost and Guarantee

30 Tablets or a two-week dose will cost you $49.95. This is more than the cost of a clinically formulated solution with all the scientifically recommended ingredients. Users have also pointed out that it would be cheaper to buy each individual ingredient in this formula separately. There is a buy 3 get one free and buy 4 get 2 free incentive.

If you do not attain the desired results or you are dissatisfied for any reason, return your order for a refund (excluding shipping) within 180 days. You must send back all unused bottles. The best manufacturers have 365-day guarantees.

Summary of Our Clorial Review

With the exception of peppermint oil, none of the clinically proven and published ingredients as studied scientifically and reviewed by scientists and doctors occur in this formula. Is is a single-action and not multi-action formula as required to address this issue of bad odor long term. You cannot and will not get to the root cause of the ailment by confining active ingredients to those working in oral cavities, the throat and mouth only. Refer to our Ingredients section to see which ingredients need to be present in a hardworking formula. 

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