No Jet Lag-Review

box of No Jet Lag
  • Category:
  • Date:
  • March 25, 2018

Product Claims of No Jet Lag

The following is our product review of No Jet Lag - a homeopathic remedy aimed at alleviating the exhaustion often experienced by international travelers across different time zones. The manufacturer claims that this supplement will help to restore the body’s natural circadian rhythms, reducing fatigue, mental irritability, and anxiety after a long flight. 


  • Arnica Montana 
  • Bellis Perennis 
  • Chamomilla
  • Ipecacuanha 
  • Lycopodium 

Arnica Montana (Leopard's Bane) is used to alleviate tension and mental strain. Bellis Perennis (Daisy) is used to alleviate muscle soreness. Chamomilla (Wild Chamomile) is used to alleviate emotional and mental stress. Ipecacuanha (Ipecac) is used to alleviate dehydration. Lycopodium (Clubmoss) is used to alleviate anxiety. This supplement lacks melatonin which is known as an essential ingredient to combat jetlag.

Dosage Instructions

Chew one tablet prior to take off and on landing to help your body adjust to the pressure and altitude changes and different time zone. Continue taking one pill every two hours throughout your flight. If you happen to fall asleep, it is ok to extend this window between pills to up to 4 hours. For children under 12 years of age, you should half all of the doses, or give them one pill every 4 hours. This supplement does not contain any ingredients to help your body adjust to a new sleep schedule and lacks melatonin which is known as an essential ingredient to combat jetlag.

Cost and Guarantee

On Amazon, a package of 32 pills costs $17.99 with free shipping. There are no first time incentives nor bulk purchase discounts for this product. This manufacturer does not sell this product directly and does not offer any sort of guarantee or return policy. If you are unsatisfied with this product, you are subject to the return policy of the third party seller.

Summary Of Our No Jet Lag Review

There are a few things we liked about No Jet Lag. It's is a homeopathic supplement, so all of its ingredients are naturally derived from plants. One container should last for over 50 hours of flight for one person. We did have our concerns though. In terms of ingredients, this supplement lacks melatonin which is known as an essential ingredient to combat jetlag. We felt like it was unlikely for travelers to want to take a pill every to hours while flying. The manufacturer only sells through a third party and does not offer a new customer incentive nor bulk buying discounts. There is no guarantee nor return policy. When looking for reviews, we saw that on Amazon, there was only one review and that review gave 5 stars. With such few reviews we are skeptical about the reliability of this feedback. Lastly in terms of price, at $17.99, although the 32 pills should last 50 hours of travel, this is not a lot for a frequent air traveller, and can get costly if used repeatedly in the long run. We strongly recommend that if you are looking for a supplement for treating jet lag that you seek out one with a reliable guarantee, that has a large amount of consumer feedback and reviews, and one containing reputable ingredients that can provide therapeutic benefits like Melatonin. 

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