NaturaNectar EaseFemin Menopausal Support-Review

NaturaNectar EaseFemin Menopausal Support for Menopause
  • Category:
  • Date:
  • July 14, 2018

Product Claims of NaturaNectar EaseFemin Menopausal Support

Today we review NaturaNectar EaseFemin Menopausal Support. This all-natural blend of calming herbs helps to ease the symptoms commonly associated with menopause like night sweats and hot flashes. With the relief of these symptoms, you can get a better night’s sleep to resume your normal life. With added Vitamin D, this supplement will also help protect your bones from the harmful effects of osteoporosis.


  • Vitamin D3
  • Calcium
  • EaseFemin proprietary calming blend
  • Fermented soy Aglycone
  • Isofactor

With herbs like chamomile and valerian root included in the proprietary calming blend, this supplement will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Unfortunately, these ingredients have nothing to do with helping to stop the symptoms of menopause. Without specific ingredients to combat night sweats or hot flashes, this supplement seems more like a sleep aid than what is claims to be.

Dosage Instructions

Each dose of this supplement comes in just one, easy to take capsule per day. The directions state that each capsule with a glass of water after you have eaten your night meal. The time of day to take this supplement is extremely important, as with all of the sleep inducing herbs, you will become tired very soon after taking the pill. The manufacturer also states that the best results are seen if you take this pill everyday and the results may not show their full effect for up to 4 weeks after beginning this supplement.

Cost and Guarantee

This supplement comes in boxes of 30 capsules and cost $30.99. This is on the expensive side for supplements like this. Additionally, the price does not include shipping. You can, however, get free shipping plus an additional 15% discount for subscribing to the manufacturer’s auto-shipment program. These programs are not always a great option, though, since they store your credit card information and can be extremely difficult to cancel.

Should you find yourself unhappy with this product, unfortunately, NaturaNectar does not offer any kind of money back guarantee. Even if you made your purchase online through the manufacturer’s website, they only allow the return of unopened, unused boxes. Without a solid guarantee, it shows the manufacturer does not fully stand behind their product.

Summary Of Our NaturaNectar EaseFemin Menopausal Support Review

There are a few things we liked about NaturaNectar EaseFemin Menopausal Support. With both Vitamin D and calcium, this supplement can help target the bone damage usually caused by menopause. Also, the dosing instructions are extremely clear and this formula comes in an easy to take once per day pill.

We did, however, find many concerns in regard to this product. With the main ingredients listed, this seemed more like a sleep aid than a supplement to help stop night sweats or hot flashes. Secondly, the price is a bit expensive when compared to other supplements of this type. Lastly, there is no manufacturer’s guarantee for this product, which means you will be unable to request a refund for unused pills should you realize this supplement is not working in the way you had hoped. For these reasons, we cannot recommend this product.

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