Moringa Energy Life-Review

bottle of Moringa Energy Life
  • Category:
  • Date:
  • April 23, 2018

Product Claims of Moringa Energy Life

In our review today we examine Moringa Energy Life. It is a product which is a natural and organic nutritional supplement from 100% Moringa Dried Leaf Powder. The nutrition contained in each capsule is supposed to promote your healthy life by strengthening your immune system, reducing temporary inflammation and promoting optimal body weight. The product is suitable for vegans.


The main ingredient is the Moringa Dried Leaf, which is a plant that combats ovarian cancer. The plant is a rich source of 18 amino acids as well as essential vitamins and minerals. It also contains calcium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc and iron.

Dosage Instructions

We rigorously searched the manufacturer's website for dosage directions but could not find any of this vital information. We had to broaden our search to discover this information which should be clearly visible on the manufacturer's site. Please, consult your health expert before consuming the product. The recommended dosage is to take 2-4 capsules per day with meals. To attain the best results, the product should be consumed in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise. The product should be consumed on a daily basis and the recommended dosage should not be exceeded.

Cost and Guarantee

The product is packaged in a container that consists of 120 vegan capsules. The 120 capsules will cost you $29.99 from the manufacturer's website. The manufacturer has not offered any discount on the product and there is no shipping included in the purchase price. After a meticulous search, we could not find any guarantee on the official website or anywhere else for that matter. We found this to be a quite a significant issue. Since the manufacturer has claimed that the product is capable of yielding specific results, it makes sense to attach a guarantee with the product. What if people are not satisfied with the product? Are they supposed to waste their hard earned money on a product that does not deliver the advertised results? It makes the product less credible when there is no guarantee with it and more risky to purchase.

Summary Of Our Moringa Energy Life Review

Moringa Energy Life is a natural and organic nutritional supplement which is made from Moringa Dried Leaf Powder. It was made to strengthen your immune system, reduce temporary inflammation and promote your optimal body weight. The manufacturer has omitted important information such as the dosage from its site. We cannot understand why such vital information is needed to be searched further than the official site of the product. Besides omitting crucial information, the manufacturer has not offered any guarantee with the product. We found this to be perturbing as the advertised results by the manufacturer may not be yielded in every case and it is only right that consumers who have not experienced results should be able to return the product for a full refund. By not offering a guarantee, it makes the product a risky purchase. We found very few customer reviews of the product.

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