Goutezol and Uricazol Gout Treatment-Review

bottles of Goutezol and Uricazol Gout Treatment
  • Category:
  • Date:
  • December 29, 2017

Product Claims of Goutezol and Uricazol Gout Treatment

Arthritis is common and painful but the most painful form comes as a gout attack. When uric acid builds up in the body, crystals form around the joints, most often in the big toe but also in the ankles, knees, hips, fingers and more. The excruciating pain often comes with swelling and inflammation. There are many remedies out there that can help with the treatment of gout, among them the combination of Goutezol and Uricazol from SmartLife Labs. The three-part "system" is said by the manufacturer to relieve the inflammation and swelling while working to promote healthy uric acid levels. In this review of Goutezol and Uricazol, we will examine whether they are the right combination for you.


Products come in a Goutezol and Uricazol formulas.

Goutezol ingredients:

  • Ammonimum Phosphoricum
  • Belladonna
  • Colchicum Autumnale
  • Formicum Acidum
  • Fraxinus Exelsior
  • Ledum Palustre
  • Natrum Carbonicum
  • Nux Vomica
  • Urtica Urens

Uricazol Uric Acid Formula includes:

  • Celery Seeds
  • Quercetin
  • Mulberry Tree
  • Bromelain
  • Rutin
  • Burdock
  • Nettle
  • Turmeric
  • Devil's Claw

Both products confirm active ingredients as per homeopathic Materia Medica and natural ingredients that are derived from plants, trees, herbs and minerals. While the focus of Goutezol is to ease inflammation, itching, swelling and discomfort, Uricazol also focuses on effectively breaking up uric acid, to reduce pain and help with longer-term relief. The formulas are missing a notable and common natural ingredient in many gout relief products, tart cherry extract, commonly associated with gout pain relief, lowering uric acid and preventing future attacks.

Dosage Instructions

There are three products that focus on gout relief: Goutezol Gout Symptom Relief Drops, Goutezol Cooling cream and Uricazol Uric Acid Formula. However, the manufacturer's website does not confirm the exact dosages for each. This makes it difficult for the user to get this necessary information before purchasing.

Cost and Guarantee

The pain relief cream can be purchased for $17.95. The Uric Acid Formula and Gout Symptom Relief can be purchased for $37.95 each. There are no package offers.

Each purchase comes witha 60-day money-back guarantee. Since the website does confirm that users should see results within a few days, this gives ample time for trial before making a decision.

Summary of our Goutezol and Uricazol Gout Treatment Review

Goutezol's three products take a unique approach to gout treatment and relief, combining a homeopathic product (Goutezol Gout Symptoms Formula) and a natural product (Uricazol Uric Acid Formula). We have not come across many homeopathic formulas that have garnered widespread positive ratings. There are some additional issues which should also be noted. First, there is no mention of the quantity of each ingredient in each formula, so users do not know how much of any ingredient they are getting. Second, the website does not mention dosages for each. While the labels, of course, should, this information should be available to the prospective buyer so they know how/when this treatment regimen will affect their day-to-day schedule. Gout is a severe arthritis which can be treated. We suggest you keep looking for a more reliable product, preferably one that doesn't require three different formulas.

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