GNC Live Well COQ-10-Review

bottle of GNC Live Well COQ-10
  • Category:
  • Date:
  • May 4, 2018

Product Claims of GNC Live Well COQ-10

GNC Live Well COQ-10 is a dietary supplement that contains pure coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Coenzyme Q10 is important for maintaining heart health and for energy production. According to the manufacturer, this product is especially helpful for people who take statin medications (like those prescribed to lower cholesterol). In our review of this product, we discuss if there is research to back up the claims made by the manufacturer and we determine how effective this product will likely be based on the ingredients and dosage. We also discuss what customer support this manufacturer offers.


The only  active ingredient in this product is coenzyme Q10. Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like molecule that occurs naturally in the human body. However, as people age or if they take statin medications, levels of coenzyme Q10 decrease in the body. Scientists have known about coenzyme Q10 for a very long time and most cell biology textbooks will explain how necessary this molecule is for energy production in the body. Coenzyme Q10 (which may also be called ubiquinone or ubiquinol) plays a vital part in the third phase of cellular respiration (which basically refers to the set of chemical reactions that cells use to generate energy). The third phase of cellular respiration is called oxidative phosphorylation and it generates the majority of the cell’s energy. Coenzyme Q10 is so important in this step that the process could not happen without it. People who have lower coenzyme Q10 generate less energy, causing them to feel fatigued, so they need to take additional coenzyme Q10 to be able to boost their energy production again.

Coenzyme Q10 is also an antioxidant. This means that it rids the body of some unwanted chemicals, called free radicals, that cause damage and inflammation. The damage that they cause can lead a person to develop cardiovascular disease or cancer.

The active ingredient is packed inside a gelatin softgel. Gelatin is not suitable for vegans or vegetarians because it is derived from animals.

Dosage Instructions

GNC says that one to four softgel capsules can be taken every day with a meal and water. Since each capsule contains 100 mg of coenzyme Q10, the daily dose is between 100 mg and 400 mg. We don’t particularly support variable doses and we believe the daily dose prescribed should be constant. We believe this because if the dose is variable, it could negatively affect the results that a customer receives.

Cost and Guarantee

One package of GNC Live Well COQ-10 contains 60 softgels and can be bought online for $18.99. Depending on the dose that customers take, this could last them from 15 days to 2 months. The price given does not include shipping and taxes. This manufacturer offers a subscription for regular delivery (the customer chooses the frequency) which includes a 10% discount and free delivery.

GNC offers a 30 day money back guarantee (from the day of purchase) if the customer is unsatisfied for any reason. Used products can be returned as long as the remainder of the product is intact and in good condition.

Summary Of Our GNC Live Well COQ-10 Review

The price of this supplement is quite reasonable and the active ingredient is well researched. However, the dosage of the active ingredient is a bit low. It is also a good sign that the manufacturer includes a guarantee, but it is too short to test the product sufficiently. Overall, we believe there are better supplements available.

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