Force Factor VolcaNO-Review

Force Factor VolcaNO for Muscle Building & Cardiovascular Health
  • Category:
  • Date:
  • February 24, 2018

Product Claims of Force Factor VolcaNO

Today we review Force Factor VolcaNO. By increasing your energy and endurance, this supplement claims to boost your strength and help build more muscle mass. Better circulation and vascularity also helps speed up your recovery time between intense workouts.


  • Vitamin B6
  • L-Citrulline
  • Agmapure Agmatine Sulfate
  • L-Norvaline
  • CON-CRET Creatine HCI
  • L-Methionine
  • L-Glycine

While this supplement does offer many amino acids which are essentially the building blocks for new muscle growth, many similar products offer more vitamins and minerals as a natural energy boost. Without these vitamins, the extra energy you will get from this product will be short lived. Another red flag raised about these capsules is that they have artificial colors. These artificial additives can make often react with your body in adverse ways, also affecting how well you will do on training days.

Dosage Instructions

This product has special dosing instructions both for workout days and recovery days. Both types of days call for 2-4 capsules taken with a large glass of water at breakfast. On days you will train, you should take an additional 2-4 capsules half an hour before you start to work out. The additional 2-4 capsules should be taken at dinner on days you rest.

Cost and Guarantee

Every bottle of this supplement contains 120 capsules and costs $69.99. If you take the minimum dosing every day, each bottle has enough to last for only one month. That makes this one of the most expensive workout enhancers we have researched. By increasing your dose, this drags the purchase price even higher. While we found no evidence of discounts available for this product, they used to offer a free sample of the product to try before committing to an entire bottle. Now, as the manufacturer has come out with a new formula, the free sample is only available for the new capsules, not these. This free trial, does however automatically sign you up for an auto-shipment program, in which you will automatically be billed for a bottle of this product once your free trial is over.

Because you are no required to make a purchase to take part in the free trial, you must cancel your auto-shipment within 18 days of the original shipment, and you can keep the free trial bottle as a gift. Should you be unhappy with the results after your first paid product is sent, you have 30 days to return the unused portion of the bottle to receive a full refund.

Summary Of Our Force Factor VolcaNO Review

There are a few things we liked about Force Factor VolcaNO. The ingredient list does include many essential amino acids. Also, the dosing instructions are extremely clear and even offer different doses for workout and recovery days.

We did, however, find many red flags in regards to this product. There are no vitamins and minerals, which will make the energy received from these capsules very short. Secondly, this is one of the most expensive products we have seen to help you grow more muscle mass. Next, their refund policy relies on their free trial program, which is not even available for this specific product. For these reasons, we cannot recommend this supplement.

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