Natrol Tonalin CLA-Review

bottle of Natrol Tonalin CLA
  • Category:
  • Date:
  • January 4, 2018

Product Claims of Natrol Tonalin CLA

One of the categories of staple weight loss supplements in today's market is based on CLA. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) supplements can be found in almost all pharmacies and stores that offer weight loss supplements. Surely something that has lasted this long in the market should be quite effective, right? Well, as with most products, not all CLA supplements are created equal.

Here we review Natrol Tonalin CLA. This supplement promises to offer all the weight loss benefits attributed to CLA and then some. CLA not only helps in weight loss, it is also said to assist the body in developing leaner muscle mass. This is of course possible only when combined with daily exercise and diet. The thing you should know about Natrol Tonalin CLA is that it is not a magic drug to whisk away your body fat. It is merely there to offer you a helping hand in gaining your dream body. With that said, let's take a closer look at Natrol Tonalin CLA and see if it should be on your short list.


  • Tonalin FFA 80 - 1200 mg

One thing you need to remember when it comes to CLA supplements is that they generally utilize only one ingredient. Natrol Tonalin CLA uses the Tonalin blend which is the industry standard, so to speak, derived from safflower seed oil. In fact, most CLA supplements derive their CLA from safflower seed oil. The reason for this is that the extraction process is relatively easy when compared to CLA taken from dairy products. All of this without lowering the quality and benefits of CLA.

Dosage Instructions

The label states that you should take three capsules per day. Once with each meal and preferably with water as well. You should never exceed the dosage as instructed on the label unless specifically directed by a health professional. On that note, we also advise that you consult with a doctor or health professional before taking this as a dietary supplement.

Cost and Guarantee

Natrol Tonalin CLA is available in two sizes: 60 count and 90 count bottles. The 60 count bottle is quite affordable with a price tag of only $8.75. The 90 count bottle is available for only $14.53. There is no special discount for bulk purchase but the price tag is already quite low.

Natrol Tonalin CLA can be purchased in chain retail stores near you or online stores such as Amazon. You can check Natrol's official website to learn what stores sell Natrol Tonalin CLA.

The low price tag also somewhat negates the lack of customer guarantee. However, this is still a drawback of this product as most CLA supplements in the market does offer a safety net in the form of a customer guarantee.

Summary of Our Natrol Tonalin CLA Review

Natrol Tonalin CLA should deliver results, as long as you incorporate daily exercise and proper diet into the mix. The low price for this supplement is great but the lack of customer guarantee is something to note. You should also keep in mind that Natrol Tonalin CLA has a somewhat mixed feedback online. Some customers note its positive results while others claim it did not help with their weight loss one bit.

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